The Daily Cafe


3 Commerce Lane
Te Puke

Opening Hours:


07-282 8903

The Daily is a Charitable Trust with a social enterprise, The Daily Cafe.

Our central café is located opposite Jubilee park in Te Puke with all the profit going back into Te Puke to feed the dream of creating a connected and thriving community.

Te Puke is great - the best little town around - but collectively we can make it even better.

We aim to make The Daily Cafe a space that makes everyone feel at home and caters to a wide variety of people. Providing a facility to enable people to connect with each other, work together and help their neighbours in our beautiful community. We believe the best community development is done everyday, by real people, with real problems.

We have a meeting room where community groups can meet, and dream up new ways to work together in collaboration. All profits go back into Te Puke with the purpose of alleviating poverty and breaking the poverty cycle in our town.
We have a superb facility and great people on board.